Stone Bench in Tacoma, Washington's Chinese Reconcilliation Park.  A new park along Ruston Way, the park highlights the transition of Commencement Bay from Superfund Site to mixed use.  Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats (CB/NT) Superfund Site., Stone B

Stone Bench in Tacoma, Washington's Chinese Reconcilliation Park. A new park along Ruston Way, the park highlights the transition of Commencement Bay from Superfund Site to mixed use. Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats (CB/NT) Superfund Site., Stone B

Bildnummer: 70401451
Lizenzart: Lizenzpflichtig
Fotograf: © lookphotos / Mint Images / Spaces Images
Aufnahmedatum: 03.02.2012
Rechte: Exklusivrechte auf Anfrage verfügbar
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Druckgröße: ca. 43,18 × 28,77 cm bei 300dpi
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Stone Bench in Tacoma, Washington's Chinese Reconcilliation Park.  A new park along Ruston Way, the park highlights the transition of Commencement Bay from Superfund Site to mixed use.  Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats (CB/NT) Superfund Site., Stone B Stone Bench in Tacoma, Washington's Chinese Reconcilliation Park.  A new park along Ruston Way, the park highlights the transition of Commencement Bay from Superfund Site to mixed use.  Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats (CB/NT) Superfund Site., Stone B


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