NEW YORK, Pablo Picasso Painting 1901 Woman in profile at the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street This painting belongs to a small group of pictures of extravagantly dressed women that evoke the Parisian demimonde of dance halls and brothels. The electric palette and broad dabs of paint relate it to other works that Picasso painted in Madrid in spring 1901, in anticipation of his upcoming show at the Galerie Vollard in Paris.

NEW YORK, Pablo Picasso Painting 1901 Woman in profile at the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street This painting belongs to a small group of pictures of extravagantly dressed women that evoke the Parisian demimonde of dance halls and brothels. The electric palette and broad dabs of paint relate it to other works that Picasso painted in Madrid in spring 1901, in anticipation of his upcoming show at the Galerie Vollard in Paris.

N° de l'image: 13846571
Type de licence: Droits gérés
Photographe: © lookphotos / VWPics
Date de prise de vue: 15/11/2020
Droits: Cette image est disponible pour un usage exclusif.
Taille d’impression : approx. 24,11 × 36,31 cm at 300 dpi
adapté aux formats jusqu'à DIN A4

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