
CANON Photos ❘ lookphotos

Sagittarius and Scorpius in diagonal framing, with Milky Way from Ara to Serpens. Taken with 50mm Sigma lens at f/4 and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800 for stack of just 2 frames each at 6 minutes. Cloud prevented more exposures. Taken from Atacama Lodge, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
13898038 - Sagittarius and Scorpius in diagonal framing, with Milky Way from Ara to Serpens. Taken with 50mm Sigma lens at f/4 and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800 for stack of just 2 frames each at 6 minutes. Cloud prevented more exposures. Taken from Atacama Lodge, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
Waning Moon series, Aug 2005. Canon 20Da, with Astro-Physics 5-inch refractor and 2x barlow at f/12. Taken from RAW frames, plus Noise Ninja applied.
13898007 - Waning Moon series, Aug 2005. Canon 20Da, with Astro-Physics 5-inch refractor and 2x barlow at f/12. Taken from RAW frames, plus Noise Ninja applied.
The Milky Way over Upper Waterton Lake, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, on August 29, 2013. This is a US World Heritage Site. Taken with the 14mm lens and Canon 5D MkII for 60 seconds at ISO 3200 and f/2.8. Light from town streetlights provides the illumination. The Moon was not up. It was a very windy night!
13897965 - The Milky Way over Upper Waterton Lake, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, on August 29, 2013. This is a US World Heritage Site. Taken with the 14mm lens and Canon 5D MkII for 60 seconds at ISO 3200 and f/2.8. Light from town streetlights provides the illumination. The Moon was not up. It was a very windy night!
Cassiopeia and the northern stars over Red Rock Canyon at Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, in June 2015. The scene is illuminated by the waxing gibbous Moon. This is a single 30-second exposure at f/5 with the 24mm lens and Canon 6D at ISO 3200.
13897849 - Cassiopeia and the northern stars over Red Rock Canyon at Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, in June 2015. The scene is illuminated by the waxing gibbous Moon. This is a single 30-second exposure at f/5 with the 24mm lens and Canon 6D at ISO 3200.
Scorpius in the pre-dawn sky, March 15, 2013, from the Painted Pony Resort, New Mexico. This is a stack of 5 x 3 minute exposures at f/2.8 with the 35mm lens and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 1600, with the ground from one image, plus a stack of 2 exposures through the Kenko Softon filter for the star glows.
13897700 - Scorpius in the pre-dawn sky, March 15, 2013, from the Painted Pony Resort, New Mexico. This is a stack of 5 x 3 minute exposures at f/2.8 with the 35mm lens and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 1600, with the ground from one image, plus a stack of 2 exposures through the Kenko Softon filter for the star glows.
The partial eclipse of the Sun, October 23, 2014, as seen from Jasper, Alberta, in this case shot through thin cloud but that makes for a more interesting photo than one in a clear sky. This is still shot through a mylar filter, on the front of a 66mm f/6 apo refractor using the Canon 60Da for 1/25 sec exposure at ISO 100. The colours are natural, with the mylar filter providing a neutral “white light” image. With the Sun dimmed a lot by cloud, the longer exposure allowed picking up light and colours in the surrounding clouds.
13897553 - The partial eclipse of the Sun, October 23, 2014, as seen from Jasper, Alberta, in this case shot through thin cloud but that makes for a more interesting photo than one in a clear sky. This is still shot through a mylar filter, on the front of a 66mm f/6 apo refractor using the Canon 60Da for 1/25 sec exposure at ISO 100. The colours are natural, with the mylar filter providing a neutral “white light” image. With the Sun dimmed a lot by cloud, the longer exposure allowed picking up light and colours in the surrounding clouds.
Comet Hartley 2 near the Pacman Nebula, NGC 281, in Cassiopeia. Stack of 4 x 6 minute exposures at ISO 1600 with Canon 5D MkII on A&M 105mm apo refractor at f/4.8 with Borg reducer/flattener. Bright star is Alpha Cas, Schedar. Autoguided with Celestron NexGuide autoguider. However, image of comet core is from only one exposure to minimize trailing from this fast-moving comet.
13897417 - Comet Hartley 2 near the Pacman Nebula, NGC 281, in Cassiopeia. Stack of 4 x 6 minute exposures at ISO 1600 with Canon 5D MkII on A&M 105mm apo refractor at f/4.8 with Borg reducer/flattener. Bright star is Alpha Cas, Schedar. Autoguided with Celestron NexGuide autoguider. However, image of comet core is from only one exposure to minimize trailing from this fast-moving comet.
The North America Nebula (left of centre) and the Pelican Nebula (at centre) complex in Cygnus,framed with the bright star Deneb. The Cygnus Arc of IC 5068 is at bottom. Smaller Sharpless catalogue nebulas are at upper right,notably Sh 2-112. The nebulas show up well despite this being a "stock" camera,with no filters employed. The field of view is about 7.5° by 5°,similar to binoculars. This is a stack of 5 x 5-minute exposures with the Sharpstar 61 EDPH III apo refractor and its 0.75x Reducer for f/4.4,and the old Canon 6D DSLR at ISO 800,all on the ZWO AM5 mount autoguided with the ASIAir,a
13999717 - The North America Nebula (left of centre) and the Pelican Nebula (at centre) complex in Cygnus,framed with the bright star Deneb. The Cygnus Arc of IC 5068 is at bottom. Smaller Sharpless catalogue nebulas are at upper right,notably Sh 2-112. The nebulas show up well despite this being a "stock" camera,with no filters employed. The field of view is about 7.5° by 5°,similar to binoculars. This is a stack of 5 x 5-minute exposures with the Sharpstar 61 EDPH III apo refractor and its 0.75x Reducer for f/4.4,and the old Canon 6D DSLR at ISO 800,all on the ZWO AM5 mount autoguided with the ASIAir,a
A composite of 233 images, taken with the Canon 5D MkII and 16-35mm lens, at Bow Lake in Banff, showing circumpolar star trails across the sky looking north over Num-Ti-Jah Lodge. Each image was 50 seconds, taken at 1s intervals at ISO 1250 and at f/4. Stacked in Photoshop using Chris Schur's Photoshop Action.
13900346 - A composite of 233 images, taken with the Canon 5D MkII and 16-35mm lens, at Bow Lake in Banff, showing circumpolar star trails across the sky looking north over Num-Ti-Jah Lodge. Each image was 50 seconds, taken at 1s intervals at ISO 1250 and at f/4. Stacked in Photoshop using Chris Schur's Photoshop Action.
Sunset clouds and colours on December 3, 2013 from Massai Point, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona. This is a 7-frame HDR High Dynamic Range stack to compress the high contrast from the bright sky and dark foreground into one image. Combined with Photomatix Pro. Taken with the Canon 5D MkIi and Canon 24mm lens at f/8. From images _MG_6996_6997_6998_6999_7000_7001_7002 taken at 2/3rd stop increments.
13900310 - Sunset clouds and colours on December 3, 2013 from Massai Point, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona. This is a 7-frame HDR High Dynamic Range stack to compress the high contrast from the bright sky and dark foreground into one image. Combined with Photomatix Pro. Taken with the Canon 5D MkIi and Canon 24mm lens at f/8. From images _MG_6996_6997_6998_6999_7000_7001_7002 taken at 2/3rd stop increments.
The extensive Gum Nebula area in Vela, an interstellar bubble blown by winds from hot stars, with the False Cross at left. This is a stack of 4 x 5 minute exposures at f/3.2 with the Sigma 50mm lens and filter-modified Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800. Taken from Coonabarabran, Australia, December 2012. High cloud added natural glows around stars. Star clusters NGC 2516 (below False Cross) and IC 2391 (right of false Cross) stand out. Superhot star Gamma Velorum is at centre.
13899901 - The extensive Gum Nebula area in Vela, an interstellar bubble blown by winds from hot stars, with the False Cross at left. This is a stack of 4 x 5 minute exposures at f/3.2 with the Sigma 50mm lens and filter-modified Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800. Taken from Coonabarabran, Australia, December 2012. High cloud added natural glows around stars. Star clusters NGC 2516 (below False Cross) and IC 2391 (right of false Cross) stand out. Superhot star Gamma Velorum is at centre.
Train at Morant's Curve, Bow Valley Parkway, Banff, Alberta. Taken July 25, 2010 with Canon 7D camera and 15mm Canon lens, for 18 second exposure at f/4 and ISO 400, Moonlight from the Full Moon provided the illumination, plus from the train headlights. Part of a 700-frame time-lapse sequence.
13899669 - Train at Morant's Curve, Bow Valley Parkway, Banff, Alberta. Taken July 25, 2010 with Canon 7D camera and 15mm Canon lens, for 18 second exposure at f/4 and ISO 400, Moonlight from the Full Moon provided the illumination, plus from the train headlights. Part of a 700-frame time-lapse sequence.
The Full Moon of July 31, 2015, an infamous “blue Moon”, the second Full Moon of July, rising over the skyline of Calgary, Alberta. This is one frame of a 480-frame time-lapse sequence taken with the Canon 60Da and 28-105mm lens. The location was Toronto Crescent.
13899272 - The Full Moon of July 31, 2015, an infamous “blue Moon”, the second Full Moon of July, rising over the skyline of Calgary, Alberta. This is one frame of a 480-frame time-lapse sequence taken with the Canon 60Da and 28-105mm lens. The location was Toronto Crescent.
The summer Milky Way and centre of the Galaxy area in Scorpius and Sagittarius rising above the adobe lodges at the Painted Pony Resort in southwest New Mexico, March 14, 2013. This is a stack of 5 x 3.5 minute exposures at f/2.8 with the 24mm lens and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 1600, plus a layer of two exposures taken through the Softon filter for the star glows.
13899198 - The summer Milky Way and centre of the Galaxy area in Scorpius and Sagittarius rising above the adobe lodges at the Painted Pony Resort in southwest New Mexico, March 14, 2013. This is a stack of 5 x 3.5 minute exposures at f/2.8 with the 24mm lens and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 1600, plus a layer of two exposures taken through the Softon filter for the star glows.
Tail of Scorpius with False Comet area (NGC 6231 and IC 4628) and Ara )with NGC 6188 nebulosity), taken from Atacama Lodge, Chile, March 2010, with Canon 5D MkII (modified) and Canon L-series 135mm lens at f/2.8 for stack of 5 x 4 minute exposures at ISO 800. Focus a tad soft.
13899193 - Tail of Scorpius with False Comet area (NGC 6231 and IC 4628) and Ara )with NGC 6188 nebulosity), taken from Atacama Lodge, Chile, March 2010, with Canon 5D MkII (modified) and Canon L-series 135mm lens at f/2.8 for stack of 5 x 4 minute exposures at ISO 800. Focus a tad soft.
M33, the Triangulum Spiral, a dwarf spiral in the Local Group. This is a 6-image stack of 12-minute exposures with the Canon 7D at ISO 800 on the 130mm Astro-Physics apo refractor at f/6 on AP 600E mount and SBIG SG4 autoguider. Poor seeing bloated star images somewhat.
13899185 - M33, the Triangulum Spiral, a dwarf spiral in the Local Group. This is a 6-image stack of 12-minute exposures with the Canon 7D at ISO 800 on the 130mm Astro-Physics apo refractor at f/6 on AP 600E mount and SBIG SG4 autoguider. Poor seeing bloated star images somewhat.
The Full Moon of March 18, 2014 rising over the Pacific Ocean at the headland viewpoint at Woolgoolga, NSW, Australia. Taken with the 135mm telephoto and Canon 60Da camera. The tide was coming in as I took these images.
13899175 - The Full Moon of March 18, 2014 rising over the Pacific Ocean at the headland viewpoint at Woolgoolga, NSW, Australia. Taken with the 135mm telephoto and Canon 60Da camera. The tide was coming in as I took these images.
IC 1318 area of Cygnus around Gamma Cygni. Stack of 4 x 15 minute exposure on a superb night, with TMB 92mm apo with Canon 5D MkII at ISO 400. A cooler night than previous ones as well, so lower base noise. Borg FF.
13899152 - IC 1318 area of Cygnus around Gamma Cygni. Stack of 4 x 15 minute exposure on a superb night, with TMB 92mm apo with Canon 5D MkII at ISO 400. A cooler night than previous ones as well, so lower base noise. Borg FF.
Circumpolar star trails at dawn over the historic Butala homestead at the Old Man on His Back Prairie and Heritage Conservation Area in southwest Saskatchewan, taken May 2015. This is a stack of 70 frames from a larger time-lapse sequence, from the end of the sequence in the dawn twilight. Each exposure is 40 seconds with the 14mm lens at f/2.8 and Canon 60Da at ISO 1600. Stacked with Advanced Stacker Actions. The foreground comes from a stack of 8 of the final exposures, mean combined, to smooth noise.
13899014 - Circumpolar star trails at dawn over the historic Butala homestead at the Old Man on His Back Prairie and Heritage Conservation Area in southwest Saskatchewan, taken May 2015. This is a stack of 70 frames from a larger time-lapse sequence, from the end of the sequence in the dawn twilight. Each exposure is 40 seconds with the 14mm lens at f/2.8 and Canon 60Da at ISO 1600. Stacked with Advanced Stacker Actions. The foreground comes from a stack of 8 of the final exposures, mean combined, to smooth noise.
The summer Milky Way rising late on a spring night over a fallow wheatfield in spring, 2013. Taken from home, May 6, 2013, with the Canon 5D MkII and Samyang 14mm lens at f/2.8 for a stack of 5 x 2.5 minute exposures at ISO 1600, all tracked on the iOptron Sky-Tracker. The ground is from one exposure. Taken from a latitude of +50° so Scorpius at right and Sagittarius right of centre are skimming the southern horizon. Taken from southern Alberta, Canada.
13898959 - The summer Milky Way rising late on a spring night over a fallow wheatfield in spring, 2013. Taken from home, May 6, 2013, with the Canon 5D MkII and Samyang 14mm lens at f/2.8 for a stack of 5 x 2.5 minute exposures at ISO 1600, all tracked on the iOptron Sky-Tracker. The ground is from one exposure. Taken from a latitude of +50° so Scorpius at right and Sagittarius right of centre are skimming the southern horizon. Taken from southern Alberta, Canada.
The Big Dipper on its handle swinging up over the West Mitten butte at Monument Valley, Arizona/Utah border. This is a single exposure illuminated by moonlight, of 60 seconds at f/2.8 and ISO 500 with the 24mm lens and Canon 6D. I shot this April 4, 2015 on a partly cloudy night, with the nearly Full Moon rising in the east.
13898901 - The Big Dipper on its handle swinging up over the West Mitten butte at Monument Valley, Arizona/Utah border. This is a single exposure illuminated by moonlight, of 60 seconds at f/2.8 and ISO 500 with the 24mm lens and Canon 6D. I shot this April 4, 2015 on a partly cloudy night, with the nearly Full Moon rising in the east.
The waxing gibbous Moon over the Icefields Parkway from the Cirrus Mountain viewpoint at the top of the Big Bend. THe valley below is the classic U-shaped glacially carved valley. This is a 6-exposure high dynamic range stack taken with the 24mm lens and Canon 6D.
13898808 - The waxing gibbous Moon over the Icefields Parkway from the Cirrus Mountain viewpoint at the top of the Big Bend. THe valley below is the classic U-shaped glacially carved valley. This is a 6-exposure high dynamic range stack taken with the 24mm lens and Canon 6D.
A Kp4-level aurora to the north with a STEVE arc to the east with traits of a red SAR arc as well. Taken from home as part of a time-lapse sequence, August 29, 2022, with the Canon R6 and Venus Optics Laowa 15mm lens at f/2 for 20 seconds at ISO 1600.
13898731 - A Kp4-level aurora to the north with a STEVE arc to the east with traits of a red SAR arc as well. Taken from home as part of a time-lapse sequence, August 29, 2022, with the Canon R6 and Venus Optics Laowa 15mm lens at f/2 for 20 seconds at ISO 1600.
The total lunar eclipse of April 4, 2015 at dawn over the Tear Drop Arch Mesa at Monument Valley, Utah. This is a blend of three exposures: a 44-second shot at f/3.5 and ISO 800 for the sky (with the camera on the Star Adventurer tracker to track the sky for the sharp stars) and an identical exposure with the tracker motor off (for the sharp foreground), plus a short 1-second exposure for the eclipsed Moon blended with its over exposed image. All frames with the 16-35mm lens at 26mm and with the Canon 60Da. Frames shot at ~6:07 am. MDT, about 4 minutes after totality as the sky and landscape w
13898657 - The total lunar eclipse of April 4, 2015 at dawn over the Tear Drop Arch Mesa at Monument Valley, Utah. This is a blend of three exposures: a 44-second shot at f/3.5 and ISO 800 for the sky (with the camera on the Star Adventurer tracker to track the sky for the sharp stars) and an identical exposure with the tracker motor off (for the sharp foreground), plus a short 1-second exposure for the eclipsed Moon blended with its over exposed image. All frames with the 16-35mm lens at 26mm and with the Canon 60Da. Frames shot at ~6:07 am. MDT, about 4 minutes after totality as the sky and landscape w
Nebulosity in the heart of Cygnus the Swan, including the North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula at left (NGC 7000 and IC 5070) and Gamma Cygni complex at right (IC 1318). The Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) is at lower right. This is a stack of 5 x 4 minute exposures at f/2 with the 135mm lens and modified Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800, plus another three similar exposure images but taken thru the Kenko Softon filter for the star glows. Taken from home Sept 10, 2013.
13898272 - Nebulosity in the heart of Cygnus the Swan, including the North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula at left (NGC 7000 and IC 5070) and Gamma Cygni complex at right (IC 1318). The Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) is at lower right. This is a stack of 5 x 4 minute exposures at f/2 with the 135mm lens and modified Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800, plus another three similar exposure images but taken thru the Kenko Softon filter for the star glows. Taken from home Sept 10, 2013.
Southern Milky Way from Atacama Lodge, Chile (latitude 23° S) taken March 15/16, 2010. Taken witn Canon 5D MkII (modified) and Canon L-Series 35mm lens at f/4 for stack of 4 x 6 minute exposures, plus stack of 2 x 6 minute with Kenko Softon filter for star glows.
13898109 - Southern Milky Way from Atacama Lodge, Chile (latitude 23° S) taken March 15/16, 2010. Taken witn Canon 5D MkII (modified) and Canon L-Series 35mm lens at f/4 for stack of 4 x 6 minute exposures, plus stack of 2 x 6 minute with Kenko Softon filter for star glows.
A nightscape photographer from one of my workshops, shooting in the moonlight at Red Rock Canyon, in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. Clouds partly obscure the gibbous Moon but add a colourful iridescent corona around the Moon, which is reflected in the Red Rock Canyon Creek. This is an HDR stack of 5 exposures with the 14mm lens and Canon 6D, to preserve detail in the bright clouds and the disk of the Moon, and in the dark shadows.
13897887 - A nightscape photographer from one of my workshops, shooting in the moonlight at Red Rock Canyon, in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta. Clouds partly obscure the gibbous Moon but add a colourful iridescent corona around the Moon, which is reflected in the Red Rock Canyon Creek. This is an HDR stack of 5 exposures with the 14mm lens and Canon 6D, to preserve detail in the bright clouds and the disk of the Moon, and in the dark shadows.
This is the total eclipse of the Moon, December 10, 2011, taken from the grounds of the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory, near Priddis, Alberta, and looking west to the Rockies. This is a 2 second exposure at ISO 800 with the Canon 5DMkII and Canon 200mm lens at f/4. This was taken toward the end of totality at 7:48 am local time.
13897877 - This is the total eclipse of the Moon, December 10, 2011, taken from the grounds of the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory, near Priddis, Alberta, and looking west to the Rockies. This is a 2 second exposure at ISO 800 with the Canon 5DMkII and Canon 200mm lens at f/4. This was taken toward the end of totality at 7:48 am local time.
A Kp4-level aurora to the north with a STEVE arc to the east with traits of a red SAR arc as well. Taken from home as part of a time-lapse sequence, August 29, 2022, with the Canon R6 and Venus Optics Laowa 15mm lens at f/2 for 20 seconds at ISO 1600.
13897848 - A Kp4-level aurora to the north with a STEVE arc to the east with traits of a red SAR arc as well. Taken from home as part of a time-lapse sequence, August 29, 2022, with the Canon R6 and Venus Optics Laowa 15mm lens at f/2 for 20 seconds at ISO 1600.
A stack of 25 x 2-minute exposures with Canon 200mm f/2.8 lens at f/4 and at ISO 1600 with Canon 6D.
13897815 - A stack of 25 x 2-minute exposures with Canon 200mm f/2.8 lens at f/4 and at ISO 1600 with Canon 6D.
Sagittarius and Scorpius in the pre-dawn sky, March 15, 2013, from the Painted Pony Resort, New Mexico. This is a stack of 5 x 4 minute exposures at f/2.8 with the 35mm lens and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 1600, with the ground from one image, plus a stack of 2 exposures through the Kenko Softon filter for the star glows.
13900612 - Sagittarius and Scorpius in the pre-dawn sky, March 15, 2013, from the Painted Pony Resort, New Mexico. This is a stack of 5 x 4 minute exposures at f/2.8 with the 35mm lens and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 1600, with the ground from one image, plus a stack of 2 exposures through the Kenko Softon filter for the star glows.
The Pleiades star cluster, aka Seven Sisters, or M45, in Taurus. A deep exposure showing the reflection nebulosity which fills the area. This is a stack of 5 x 14 minute exposures with the TMB 92mm apo refractor and Borg 0.85x flattener/reducer at f/4.8 and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800. Taken from home Oct 9/10, 2013.
13900605 - The Pleiades star cluster, aka Seven Sisters, or M45, in Taurus. A deep exposure showing the reflection nebulosity which fills the area. This is a stack of 5 x 14 minute exposures with the TMB 92mm apo refractor and Borg 0.85x flattener/reducer at f/4.8 and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800. Taken from home Oct 9/10, 2013.
A circumpolar star trail composite, shot at the old Larson Ranch site in the Frenchman Valley at Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, August 27/28, 2014. The pioneer cabin was the home of the legendary western author and movie star Will James, born Ernest Dufault in Quebec. He lived in this cabin when he worked the ranches in the area. The aurora was excellent this night. This is a stack of 20 1-minute exposures at ISO 2500 with the 15mm full-frame fish-eye lens at f/3.2 and the Canon 6D. The foreground and point-like stars are from the first frame in the series.
13900341 - A circumpolar star trail composite, shot at the old Larson Ranch site in the Frenchman Valley at Grasslands National Park, Saskatchewan, August 27/28, 2014. The pioneer cabin was the home of the legendary western author and movie star Will James, born Ernest Dufault in Quebec. He lived in this cabin when he worked the ranches in the area. The aurora was excellent this night. This is a stack of 20 1-minute exposures at ISO 2500 with the 15mm full-frame fish-eye lens at f/3.2 and the Canon 6D. The foreground and point-like stars are from the first frame in the series.
The Carina Nebula (aka Eta Carinae) in the southern sky, shot December 11, 2012 from Timor Cottage, Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia. This is a stack of 5 x 12 minute exposures at ISO 400 with the Canon 5D MkII (filter modified) and Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler apo refractor and 6x7 field flattener.
13900176 - The Carina Nebula (aka Eta Carinae) in the southern sky, shot December 11, 2012 from Timor Cottage, Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia. This is a stack of 5 x 12 minute exposures at ISO 400 with the Canon 5D MkII (filter modified) and Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler apo refractor and 6x7 field flattener.
The centre of the Galaxy in Sagittarius and Scorpius rising above the southeast horizon, from New Mexico, at the Painted Pony Resort. This is a stack of 5 x 5 minute exposures with the 24mm lens at f/2.8 and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800. The landscape is from one exposure and shadow detail brought out. An additional image shot thru the Kenko Softon filter was layered in to add the star glows.
13899654 - The centre of the Galaxy in Sagittarius and Scorpius rising above the southeast horizon, from New Mexico, at the Painted Pony Resort. This is a stack of 5 x 5 minute exposures with the 24mm lens at f/2.8 and Canon 5D MkII at ISO 800. The landscape is from one exposure and shadow detail brought out. An additional image shot thru the Kenko Softon filter was layered in to add the star glows.
An aurora curtain and the Big Dipper over a Blackfoot Nation tipi, taken from Elk Island National Park, Sept 2006 during the Dark Sky Preserve declaration ceremony event. A single short exposure for 25 seconds with the 16mm lens at f/3.5 and Canon 20D at ISO 400.
13899632 - An aurora curtain and the Big Dipper over a Blackfoot Nation tipi, taken from Elk Island National Park, Sept 2006 during the Dark Sky Preserve declaration ceremony event. A single short exposure for 25 seconds with the 16mm lens at f/3.5 and Canon 20D at ISO 400.
The Sagittarius Milky Way area, around the centre of the Galaxy, over the trees and campsite at Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Sasksatchewan. Taken August 17, 2012 at the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party. This is a composite of 6 exposures: all 2 minutes at f/2.8 and ISO 1600 with the Canon 5D MkII and Sigma 50mm lens, but 5 exposures were tracked and 1 exposure was untracked to prevent the ground from blurring. Ground is from the untracked exposure, sky is from the stack of 5 tracked exposures. All taken from the same location -- the ground is not faked onto a separate sky shot. The horizo
13899586 - The Sagittarius Milky Way area, around the centre of the Galaxy, over the trees and campsite at Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Sasksatchewan. Taken August 17, 2012 at the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party. This is a composite of 6 exposures: all 2 minutes at f/2.8 and ISO 1600 with the Canon 5D MkII and Sigma 50mm lens, but 5 exposures were tracked and 1 exposure was untracked to prevent the ground from blurring. Ground is from the untracked exposure, sky is from the stack of 5 tracked exposures. All taken from the same location -- the ground is not faked onto a separate sky shot. The horizo
The region of the Southern Cross, Crux, at left and around the Carina Nebula, at right. To the left of the Southern Cross is the dark Coal Sack. Open star clusters around the Carina Nebula are NGC 3532 (at upper left of nebula), IC 2602, the Southern Pleiades (below the nebula), and NGC 3114 (right of nebula). Taken on a hazy night, so the glows around stars are natural and not introduced from a filter. This is a stack of 5 x 6 minute exposures at f/2.8 with the Sigma 50mm lens and Canon 60Da at ISO 800, on the iOptron SkyTracker. Taken from Coonabarbran, NSW, Australia, March 22, 2014.
13899499 - The region of the Southern Cross, Crux, at left and around the Carina Nebula, at right. To the left of the Southern Cross is the dark Coal Sack. Open star clusters around the Carina Nebula are NGC 3532 (at upper left of nebula), IC 2602, the Southern Pleiades (below the nebula), and NGC 3114 (right of nebula). Taken on a hazy night, so the glows around stars are natural and not introduced from a filter. This is a stack of 5 x 6 minute exposures at f/2.8 with the Sigma 50mm lens and Canon 60Da at ISO 800, on the iOptron SkyTracker. Taken from Coonabarbran, NSW, Australia, March 22, 2014.
Astronomer Vance Petriew at the eyepiece of his 20-inch Dobsonian reflector telescope, at the 2012 Saskatchewan Summer Star Party in Cypress Hills, SK. This is a single 20 second exposure with the Canon 5DMkII at ISO 4000, and 24mm Canon L-series lens at f/2. A faint aurora adds the horizon colours. The photo was taken on the occasion of the second return of Comet Petriew 185/P since its discovery 11 years earlier in 2001 at this very same location.
13899463 - Astronomer Vance Petriew at the eyepiece of his 20-inch Dobsonian reflector telescope, at the 2012 Saskatchewan Summer Star Party in Cypress Hills, SK. This is a single 20 second exposure with the Canon 5DMkII at ISO 4000, and 24mm Canon L-series lens at f/2. A faint aurora adds the horizon colours. The photo was taken on the occasion of the second return of Comet Petriew 185/P since its discovery 11 years earlier in 2001 at this very same location.
The outer corona during the total eclipse of the Sun, November 14, 2012, from a site near Lakeland Downs, Queensland. Shot through the Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler f/5.8 refractor scope, tracked on the AP 400 mount, and with the Canon 60Da. 1/60th sec at ISO 2000. (Shot as a still frame during Movie mode, so ISO adjusted by camera not shutter speed.)
13899389 - The outer corona during the total eclipse of the Sun, November 14, 2012, from a site near Lakeland Downs, Queensland. Shot through the Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler f/5.8 refractor scope, tracked on the AP 400 mount, and with the Canon 60Da. 1/60th sec at ISO 2000. (Shot as a still frame during Movie mode, so ISO adjusted by camera not shutter speed.)
Waxing crescent Moon with Earthshine, April 18, 2010. Taken with 5-inch (130mm) Astro-Physics apo refractor and Canon 7D camera, at f/6 and ISO 100. HDR stack of 9 exposures from 6 seconds to 1/40th second at 1-stop intervals. Combined in Photomatix Pro.
13899313 - Waxing crescent Moon with Earthshine, April 18, 2010. Taken with 5-inch (130mm) Astro-Physics apo refractor and Canon 7D camera, at f/6 and ISO 100. HDR stack of 9 exposures from 6 seconds to 1/40th second at 1-stop intervals. Combined in Photomatix Pro.
A composite of about 280 images, taken with the Canon 60Da and 10-22mm lens at 17mm, at Bow Lake in Banff, Alberta showing star trails across the sky looking west. Illumination is from the waning gibbous Moon over frame to the left Moon. Each image was 45 seconds, taken at 1s intervals at ISO 1250 and at f/4.5. Stacked in Photoshop using Chris Schur's Photoshop Action.
13899299 - A composite of about 280 images, taken with the Canon 60Da and 10-22mm lens at 17mm, at Bow Lake in Banff, Alberta showing star trails across the sky looking west. Illumination is from the waning gibbous Moon over frame to the left Moon. Each image was 45 seconds, taken at 1s intervals at ISO 1250 and at f/4.5. Stacked in Photoshop using Chris Schur's Photoshop Action.
Omega Centauri globular cluster, with Canon 20Da camera with 4-inch Astro-Physics Traveler apo refractor at f/6 for 4 minutes each at ISO800. Stack of 4 exposures, averaged stacked. Plus short 2-minute exposure for core area. Taken from Queensland, Australia, July 2006.
13899271 - Omega Centauri globular cluster, with Canon 20Da camera with 4-inch Astro-Physics Traveler apo refractor at f/6 for 4 minutes each at ISO800. Stack of 4 exposures, averaged stacked. Plus short 2-minute exposure for core area. Taken from Queensland, Australia, July 2006.
The aurora of February 3-4, 2014 seen from Churchill, Manitoba at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre, in an all-sky view with the 8mm fish-eye lens. This is a 20-second exposure at f/3.5 and ISO 3200 wth the Canon 5D MkII. This is looking north and east. Members of the aurora tour group are in the foreground, in front of the main CNSC building.
13899186 - The aurora of February 3-4, 2014 seen from Churchill, Manitoba at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre, in an all-sky view with the 8mm fish-eye lens. This is a 20-second exposure at f/3.5 and ISO 3200 wth the Canon 5D MkII. This is looking north and east. Members of the aurora tour group are in the foreground, in front of the main CNSC building.
The waxing crescent Moon in the twilight sky behind a windmill water pump at City of Rocks State Park, New Mexico, Christmas Eve, December 24, 2014. This is a high dynamic range HDR stack of 7 exposures at 2/3rds stop intervals with the Canon 6D and 24mm lens.
13899115 - The waxing crescent Moon in the twilight sky behind a windmill water pump at City of Rocks State Park, New Mexico, Christmas Eve, December 24, 2014. This is a high dynamic range HDR stack of 7 exposures at 2/3rds stop intervals with the Canon 6D and 24mm lens.
Comet Holmes, 17P, taken Nov 1, 2007 on excellent night. Taken with A&M 105mm apo refractor at f/5 with Borg 0.85x compressor/field flattener on SkyWatcher HEQ5 mount. Canon 20Da camera at ISO400. Composite of 4 min, 2min, 1min, 30sec, 15sec, and 7 sec exposures, each exposure being a stack of 3 to 4 identical exposures. Registered and stacked in Photoshop (HDR mode did not produce usable result, so manually composited with sucessively smaller masks to reveal short exposure content around nucleus. Contrast exaggerated with Curves to bring out very faint tail structure. North up, so tail to the
13898997 - Comet Holmes, 17P, taken Nov 1, 2007 on excellent night. Taken with A&M 105mm apo refractor at f/5 with Borg 0.85x compressor/field flattener on SkyWatcher HEQ5 mount. Canon 20Da camera at ISO400. Composite of 4 min, 2min, 1min, 30sec, 15sec, and 7 sec exposures, each exposure being a stack of 3 to 4 identical exposures. Registered and stacked in Photoshop (HDR mode did not produce usable result, so manually composited with sucessively smaller masks to reveal short exposure content around nucleus. Contrast exaggerated with Curves to bring out very faint tail structure. North up, so tail to the
Taken at SSSP, August 14, 2010, using Canon 5D MkII and 15mm lens.
13898954 - Taken at SSSP, August 14, 2010, using Canon 5D MkII and 15mm lens.
Comet Lovejoy (C/2104 Q2) on the night of Dec. 27/28, 2014, as it was approaching the globular cluster M79 at upper right, in Lepus. This is a stack of 5 x 3 minute exposures at ISO 2500 with the Canon 5D MkII and TMB 92mm refractor at f/4.4. Taken from near Silver City, New Mexico.
13898894 - Comet Lovejoy (C/2104 Q2) on the night of Dec. 27/28, 2014, as it was approaching the globular cluster M79 at upper right, in Lepus. This is a stack of 5 x 3 minute exposures at ISO 2500 with the Canon 5D MkII and TMB 92mm refractor at f/4.4. Taken from near Silver City, New Mexico.
Waning crescent Moon at dawn from home, Nov. 4, 2010. Taken with 18-200mm lens and Canon 7D. Taken from southern Alberta, Canada.
13898853 - Waning crescent Moon at dawn from home, Nov. 4, 2010. Taken with 18-200mm lens and Canon 7D. Taken from southern Alberta, Canada.
Evening twilight with Venus in the sky, on December 3, 2013 from Massai Point, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona. This is a 8-frame HDR High Dynamic Range stack to compress the high contrast from the bright sky and dark foreground into one image. Combined with Photomatix Pro. Taken with the Canon 5D MkIi and Rokinon 14mm manual lens at f/8. Some wind has blurred trees. From images _MG_7042 to 7049, taken at 2/3rd stop increments.
13898845 - Evening twilight with Venus in the sky, on December 3, 2013 from Massai Point, Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona. This is a 8-frame HDR High Dynamic Range stack to compress the high contrast from the bright sky and dark foreground into one image. Combined with Photomatix Pro. Taken with the Canon 5D MkIi and Rokinon 14mm manual lens at f/8. Some wind has blurred trees. From images _MG_7042 to 7049, taken at 2/3rd stop increments.
Double rainbowat sea over the Atlantic Ocean, the morning of the total eclipse of the Sun, Nov 3, 2013, from the Star Flyer sailing ship. Shot with 10-22mm lens and Canon 60Da.
13898652 - Double rainbowat sea over the Atlantic Ocean, the morning of the total eclipse of the Sun, Nov 3, 2013, from the Star Flyer sailing ship. Shot with 10-22mm lens and Canon 60Da.
Bright rainbow created by Sun low in west just about to set with raindrops in the air to the east, and light rain falling at the time. Taken with Canon 7D and 10-22mm lens at 10mm, in two sections, stitched together in Photoshop. Note: bright interior region inside inner bow, darker exterior region, supernumerary arcs along inside edge of inner bow at top, reversal of colours in two bows, and bright red portion of the spectrum from very red sunlight from low sun angle. Taken from southern Alberta, Canada.
13898551 - Bright rainbow created by Sun low in west just about to set with raindrops in the air to the east, and light rain falling at the time. Taken with Canon 7D and 10-22mm lens at 10mm, in two sections, stitched together in Photoshop. Note: bright interior region inside inner bow, darker exterior region, supernumerary arcs along inside edge of inner bow at top, reversal of colours in two bows, and bright red portion of the spectrum from very red sunlight from low sun angle. Taken from southern Alberta, Canada.
The quarter Moon reflected in the waters of Reesor Lake, Alberta in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park. Taken on July 5, 2014. This is with the 14mm Rokinon lens and Canon 6D at ISO800. This is a high dynamic range stack of 6 exposures from 1/15 to 0.6 seconds taken just before using the camera to take a motion control time-lapse. The Moon was in conjunction with Mars (right of Moon) and Spica (left of Moon) but in the bright twilight they are not showing up here.
13898528 - The quarter Moon reflected in the waters of Reesor Lake, Alberta in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park. Taken on July 5, 2014. This is with the 14mm Rokinon lens and Canon 6D at ISO800. This is a high dynamic range stack of 6 exposures from 1/15 to 0.6 seconds taken just before using the camera to take a motion control time-lapse. The Moon was in conjunction with Mars (right of Moon) and Spica (left of Moon) but in the bright twilight they are not showing up here.
A single frame from a 300-frame time lapse movie, this one showing a bright meteor that showed up only on that one frame, a bit of luck as each exposure was only 4 seconds at 4 second intervals. Taken with the Canon 5D MkII and 16-35mm lens at f/2.8 and ISO 1600 to keep exposures short to minimize blurring of the windmill blades (to no avail), despite the bright moonlight from a Full Moon.
13898369 - A single frame from a 300-frame time lapse movie, this one showing a bright meteor that showed up only on that one frame, a bit of luck as each exposure was only 4 seconds at 4 second intervals. Taken with the Canon 5D MkII and 16-35mm lens at f/2.8 and ISO 1600 to keep exposures short to minimize blurring of the windmill blades (to no avail), despite the bright moonlight from a Full Moon.
The southern sky Milky Way rising over Timor Cottage, Coonabarabran, Australia, December 2012. This is a single image with an untracked camera, the Canon 60Da at ISO 3200 and 10-22mm lens at f/4 for 90 seconds.
13898338 - The southern sky Milky Way rising over Timor Cottage, Coonabarabran, Australia, December 2012. This is a single image with an untracked camera, the Canon 60Da at ISO 3200 and 10-22mm lens at f/4 for 90 seconds.
The North America Nebula (NGC 7000) and Pelican Nebula (IC 5070) area near Deneb in Cygnus. Taken from home July 24, 2012 with Canon 5D MkII camera at ISO 800 and Canon 200mm L-series lens at f/3.5 for stack of 2 x 5 minutes exposures, mean combined, plus 2 x 5 minute exposures with haze in sky which added the star glows.
13898268 - The North America Nebula (NGC 7000) and Pelican Nebula (IC 5070) area near Deneb in Cygnus. Taken from home July 24, 2012 with Canon 5D MkII camera at ISO 800 and Canon 200mm L-series lens at f/3.5 for stack of 2 x 5 minutes exposures, mean combined, plus 2 x 5 minute exposures with haze in sky which added the star glows.
A session shooting deep-sky objects in the rural backyard in Alberta, on a chilly November night, November 8, 2018. I was using the Celestron 8 HD tube assembly on the Astro-Physics Mach One mount, and was shooting Messier 27 with the Canon 6 D MkII. I shot this image with the Sony a7III and Venus Optics 15mm lens at f/2 focused on the foreground.
13898252 - A session shooting deep-sky objects in the rural backyard in Alberta, on a chilly November night, November 8, 2018. I was using the Celestron 8 HD tube assembly on the Astro-Physics Mach One mount, and was shooting Messier 27 with the Canon 6 D MkII. I shot this image with the Sony a7III and Venus Optics 15mm lens at f/2 focused on the foreground.
Open cluster pair of NGC 2451 (right), a bright loose cluster, and NGC 2477 (left), a fainter but very rich open cluster. The field is also filled with faint emission nebulosity. Taken from Timor Cottage, Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia, December 12, 2010. This is a stack of 5 x 6 minute exposures at ISO 1600 with Canon 5D MkII camera on 105mm Astro-Physics Traveler apo refractor at f/5.8 with 6x7 field flattener.
13898239 - Open cluster pair of NGC 2451 (right), a bright loose cluster, and NGC 2477 (left), a fainter but very rich open cluster. The field is also filled with faint emission nebulosity. Taken from Timor Cottage, Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia, December 12, 2010. This is a stack of 5 x 6 minute exposures at ISO 1600 with Canon 5D MkII camera on 105mm Astro-Physics Traveler apo refractor at f/5.8 with 6x7 field flattener.
Messier 81 (the spiral galaxy below) and M82 (the irregular galaxy on top) in Ursa Major. M81 is Bode’s Galaxy, while M82 is the Cigar Galaxy. The galaxy at bottom left is NGC 3077 This is a stack of 10 x 10-minute exposures with the Canon EOS Ra camera at ISO 800 through the Astro-Physics 130mm apo refractor at f/6 with the 6x7 field flattener lens. Taken April 24/25, 2020. North is up in this view.
13898077 - Messier 81 (the spiral galaxy below) and M82 (the irregular galaxy on top) in Ursa Major. M81 is Bode’s Galaxy, while M82 is the Cigar Galaxy. The galaxy at bottom left is NGC 3077 This is a stack of 10 x 10-minute exposures with the Canon EOS Ra camera at ISO 800 through the Astro-Physics 130mm apo refractor at f/6 with the 6x7 field flattener lens. Taken April 24/25, 2020. North is up in this view.
Sunset twilight colours and the waxing gibbous Moon over the Chiricahua Mountains in southeast Arizona, south of Willcox. Taken December 15, 2013 on Highway 186. Taken with the 24mm lens and Canon 5D MkII. Some dark crepuscular rays are visible converging to the anti-solar point.
13898005 - Sunset twilight colours and the waxing gibbous Moon over the Chiricahua Mountains in southeast Arizona, south of Willcox. Taken December 15, 2013 on Highway 186. Taken with the 24mm lens and Canon 5D MkII. Some dark crepuscular rays are visible converging to the anti-solar point.
NGC 7000 and Pelican Nebula with TMB 92mm apo and Canon 5D Mk II on a superb night, with stack of 2 x 15 minutes + 2 x 12 minutes at ISO400 and Borg 0.85x flattener/reducer for f/4.6. Standard exposure is 12 minutes but the night was so good I did two at 15 minutes with no problem.
13897734 - NGC 7000 and Pelican Nebula with TMB 92mm apo and Canon 5D Mk II on a superb night, with stack of 2 x 15 minutes + 2 x 12 minutes at ISO400 and Borg 0.85x flattener/reducer for f/4.6. Standard exposure is 12 minutes but the night was so good I did two at 15 minutes with no problem.
The second diamond ring during the total eclipse of the Sun, November 14, 2012, from a site near Lakeland Downs, Queensland, Australia. Shot through the Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler f/5.8 refractor scope, tracked on the AP 400 mount, and with the Canon 60Da. 1/400th sec at ISO 100.
13897672 - The second diamond ring during the total eclipse of the Sun, November 14, 2012, from a site near Lakeland Downs, Queensland, Australia. Shot through the Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler f/5.8 refractor scope, tracked on the AP 400 mount, and with the Canon 60Da. 1/400th sec at ISO 100.
Canon atop Santa Lucia Hill with Santiago city center in background, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile, South America
13849794 - Canon atop Santa Lucia Hill with Santiago city center in background, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile, South America
Canon atop Santa Lucia Hill with Santiago city center in background, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile, South America
13849795 - Canon atop Santa Lucia Hill with Santiago city center in background, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile, South America
The bungalows and prominent rocks of the Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
70053224 - The bungalows and prominent rocks of the Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
Man sitting in front of holiday bungalow, Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish River Canyon, Namibia
70053221 - Man sitting in front of holiday bungalow, Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish River Canyon, Namibia
A couple of Quivertrees (Aloe dichotoma) and moon. Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
70053233 - A couple of Quivertrees (Aloe dichotoma) and moon. Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
Canon City, Royal Gorge, Arkansas River,  Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA, North America, America
70349808 - Canon City, Royal Gorge, Arkansas River, Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA, North America, America
Flower and fruit of the Quivertree (Aloe dichotoma) and fullmoon. Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
70053232 - Flower and fruit of the Quivertree (Aloe dichotoma) and fullmoon. Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
Main building of Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
70053226 - Main building of Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
Old wagon, wheel and main building of Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
70053225 - Old wagon, wheel and main building of Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
Rock Dassie ( Procavia capensis ), Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
70053231 - Rock Dassie ( Procavia capensis ), Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
A group of Quivertrees (Aloe dichotoma). Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
70053234 - A group of Quivertrees (Aloe dichotoma). Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
Couple sitting on porch of holiday bungalow at night, Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish River Canyon, Namibia
70053223 - Couple sitting on porch of holiday bungalow at night, Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish River Canyon, Namibia
Canon City, Royal Gorge Aerial Tram, Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA, North America, America
70349807 - Canon City, Royal Gorge Aerial Tram, Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA, North America, America
Lime tree alley in the grounds of the castle park, Mezidon-Canon, Normandy, France
70300792 - Lime tree alley in the grounds of the castle park, Mezidon-Canon, Normandy, France
An employee of the lodge feeds a baby deer (steenbock) with milk. Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
70060867 - An employee of the lodge feeds a baby deer (steenbock) with milk. Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
Cacti in the Canon de Guatin, Atacama Desert, Antofagasta Region, Chile, South America
71328388 - Cacti in the Canon de Guatin, Atacama Desert, Antofagasta Region, Chile, South America
An employee waters the fields of the highly self sufficient Canon Lode. Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
70060866 - An employee waters the fields of the highly self sufficient Canon Lode. Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
An employee waters the plants in a greenhouse of the highly self sufficient Canon Lode. Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
70060865 - An employee waters the plants in a greenhouse of the highly self sufficient Canon Lode. Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa.
Young man sitting in front of a bungalow, looking at rocks lit up by the evening sun. Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa. MR.
70053222 - Young man sitting in front of a bungalow, looking at rocks lit up by the evening sun. Canon Lodge, Gondwana Canon Park, Fish river canyon. Southern Namibia. Africa. MR.
Canon City, Royal Gorge, Hängebrücke, Colorado, USA, North America, America
70349806 - Canon City, Royal Gorge, Hängebrücke, Colorado, USA, North America, America
Ecola State Park overlooking Canon Beach, Oregon, at sunset.
70199929 - Ecola State Park overlooking Canon Beach, Oregon, at sunset.
Kuthodaw pagoda - stupas housing the world's largest book, consisting of 729 large marble tablets with the Tipitaka Pali canon, Mandalay, Myanmar Burma, Southeast Asia
71085003 - Kuthodaw pagoda - stupas housing the world's largest book, consisting of 729 large marble tablets with the Tipitaka Pali canon, Mandalay, Myanmar Burma, Southeast Asia
beach, canon, coast, Landscape, Low tide, Oregon, reflection, rock, sand, scenic, tidepool, USA, S19-1190539, AGEFOTOSTOCK
70329172 - beach, canon, coast, Landscape, Low tide, Oregon, reflection, rock, sand, scenic, tidepool, USA, S19-1190539, AGEFOTOSTOCK
The Canon del Rio Lobos Nature Park , placed in Soria and Burgos Spain has a unique characterised by steep cliffs and rocky areas & rupiculous vegetation constituting a clear example of how fluvial incisión and karstic modelling is capable, with thè in
70318536 - The Canon del Rio Lobos Nature Park , placed in Soria and Burgos Spain has a unique characterised by steep cliffs and rocky areas & rupiculous vegetation constituting a clear example of how fluvial incisión and karstic modelling is capable, with thè in
Cacti in the Canon de Guatin, Atacama Desert, Antofagasta Region, Chile, South America
71328389 - Cacti in the Canon de Guatin, Atacama Desert, Antofagasta Region, Chile, South America
Rock Formations, Canon Beach, Oregon, USA
71108417 - Rock Formations, Canon Beach, Oregon, USA
Double rainbowat sea over the Atlantic Ocean, the morning of the total eclipse of the Sun, Nov 3, 2013, from the Star Flyer sailing ship. Shot with 10-22mm lens and Canon 60Da.
70707545 - Double rainbowat sea over the Atlantic Ocean, the morning of the total eclipse of the Sun, Nov 3, 2013, from the Star Flyer sailing ship. Shot with 10-22mm lens and Canon 60Da.
Sundogs and a solar halo around the Sun, December 19, 2013, shot from home with the Canon 60Da and 10-22mm lens. The halo is caused by ice crystals in the air, in this case very nearby as they can be seen as stars sparkling in the sunlight in the sky and
70704974 - Sundogs and a solar halo around the Sun, December 19, 2013, shot from home with the Canon 60Da and 10-22mm lens. The halo is caused by ice crystals in the air, in this case very nearby as they can be seen as stars sparkling in the sunlight in the sky and
Scorpius rising over Atacama Lodge near San Pedro de Atacama in Chile (latitude -23°). Taken in March 2010 with modified Canon 5DMkII and Sigma 50mm lens at f/2.8 for stack of 4 x 1.5 minute exposures at ISO 800. Ground is from one frame.
71103728 - Scorpius rising over Atacama Lodge near San Pedro de Atacama in Chile (latitude -23°). Taken in March 2010 with modified Canon 5DMkII and Sigma 50mm lens at f/2.8 for stack of 4 x 1.5 minute exposures at ISO 800. Ground is from one frame.
The Canon Beach haystacks at sunset on the Oregon coast, USA.
71096774 - The Canon Beach haystacks at sunset on the Oregon coast, USA.
Kuthodaw pagoda - stupas housing the world's largest book, consisting of 729 large marble tablets with the Tipitaka Pali canon, Mandalay, Myanmar Burma, Southeast Asia
71085002 - Kuthodaw pagoda - stupas housing the world's largest book, consisting of 729 large marble tablets with the Tipitaka Pali canon, Mandalay, Myanmar Burma, Southeast Asia
Home in the rocks, Canon Lodge. Namibia
70190850 - Home in the rocks, Canon Lodge. Namibia
The aurora of February 9, 2014 seen from Churchill, Manitoba at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre, in a view looking northwest from the main building over the trees, with the 10-22mm lens. This is a 10-second exposure at f/4 and ISO 800 with the Canon
70707541 - The aurora of February 9, 2014 seen from Churchill, Manitoba at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre, in a view looking northwest from the main building over the trees, with the 10-22mm lens. This is a 10-second exposure at f/4 and ISO 800 with the Canon
9-day-old gibbous Moon, taken April 23, 2010, with Astro-Physics 130mm apo refractor, plus 2x Barlow for f/12 and 1600mm focal length. Canon 7D camera at ISO 100. Seeing poor -- this was the sharpest of the lot.
70704912 - 9-day-old gibbous Moon, taken April 23, 2010, with Astro-Physics 130mm apo refractor, plus 2x Barlow for f/12 and 1600mm focal length. Canon 7D camera at ISO 100. Seeing poor -- this was the sharpest of the lot.
tarragona,catalonia,spain old canon in port
70429543 - tarragona,catalonia,spain old canon in port
Germany, Legden, Dinkel, Muensterland, Westphalia, North Rhine-Westphalia, NRW, D-Legden-Asbeck, monastery Asbeck, former convent, Premonstratensian order, Canon nun monastery, Augustinian order, archway ´Hunnenpforte´, half-timbered. Germany, Legden, Din
70382228 - Germany, Legden, Dinkel, Muensterland, Westphalia, North Rhine-Westphalia, NRW, D-Legden-Asbeck, monastery Asbeck, former convent, Premonstratensian order, Canon nun monastery, Augustinian order, archway ´Hunnenpforte´, half-timbered. Germany, Legden, Din
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