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The planets Venus (brightest at centre) and Mars (upper left of Venus) in the moonlit and twilight sky over the front ranges of the Rocky Mountains. The stars Castor and Pollux in Gemini are above Venus. The star cluster Messier 44,the Beehive,in Cancer is to the left of Mars. This was May 27,2023,from the Sierra Cabins West property near Lundbreck,Alberta,shot during a workshop as part of the program for the Lightchasers Conference held in Pincher Creek,Alberta. Illumination is by moonlight and by a low-level lighting warm LED panel. The sky is blue with light from the waxing quarter Moon off
13998603 - The planets Venus (brightest at centre) and Mars (upper left of Venus) in the moonlit and twilight sky over the front ranges of the Rocky Mountains. The stars Castor and Pollux in Gemini are above Venus. The star cluster Messier 44,the Beehive,in Cancer is to the left of Mars. This was May 27,2023,from the Sierra Cabins West property near Lundbreck,Alberta,shot during a workshop as part of the program for the Lightchasers Conference held in Pincher Creek,Alberta. Illumination is by moonlight and by a low-level lighting warm LED panel. The sky is blue with light from the waxing quarter Moon off
Asian worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13927368 - Asian worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Workers preparing the platform for The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13927288 - Workers preparing the platform for The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13927238 - The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Worshipers kiss this pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13927071 - Worshipers kiss this pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13927001 - The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926924 - Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926880 - The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Workers preparing the platform for The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926611 - Workers preparing the platform for The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926526 - Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926524 - Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926492 - The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Asian worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926473 - Asian worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926467 - Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926385 - Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926350 - Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926290 - Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925585 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925546 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925503 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925309 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925269 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925140 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924995 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924993 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924990 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924905 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924868 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924795 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924792 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924744 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924589 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924553 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924538 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924506 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924499 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924481 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13848176 - Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13847421 - Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13846497 - Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Ljubljana Sunday antiques and flea market held on the Breg Embankment in the centre of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe
13846282 - Ljubljana Sunday antiques and flea market held on the Breg Embankment in the centre of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe
Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13846157 - Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Participant march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13844412 - Participant march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13844397 - Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13927280 - Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13927271 - Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Workers preparing the platform for The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13927234 - Workers preparing the platform for The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13927205 - Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13927184 - Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Row of worshipers waiting their turn to kiss the Pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13927114 - Row of worshipers waiting their turn to kiss the Pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926968 - Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926888 - The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926862 - Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926812 - Worshipers kissing the pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926627 - Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926530 - The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar is the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Worshipers kiss this pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926427 - Worshipers kiss this pillar inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
13926374 - Believers inside the Cathedral-Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar during The Offering of Flowers to the Virgen del Pilar, the most important and popular event of the Fiestas del Pilar held on Hispanic Day, Zaragoza, Spain\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925526 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925429 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925321 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925188 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925185 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925179 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925145 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925130 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925126 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925097 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925053 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13925019 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924952 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924885 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924860 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924666 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924593 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924575 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924510 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
13924469 - Lanzarote Summer Challenge, International Crossfit Championship held in Lanzarote, Spain.\n
Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13848723 - Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13847276 - Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13846572 - Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13846015 - Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Orthodox Jews protest again the Gay Pride Parade in New York. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage.
13845339 - Orthodox Jews protest again the Gay Pride Parade in New York. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage.
Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13845059 - Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
13844669 - Participants march in the Gay Pride Parade in New York City. The parade is held two days after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision allowing gay marriage in the U.S.
Mosaic-covered spires and a gilded one held up by mythological beings.; Temple of the Emerald Buddha, The Grand Palace, Bangkok, Thailand.
13885474 - Mosaic-covered spires and a gilded one held up by mythological beings.; Temple of the Emerald Buddha, The Grand Palace, Bangkok, Thailand.
France, Calvados, Pays d'Auge, Beuvron en Auge, labelled Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The Most Beautiful Villages of France), Manor of the Haras de Sens, the horse Gold de Padd (son of the stallion Ready Cash) held by stud groom Dominique Blachet
14196595 - France, Calvados, Pays d'Auge, Beuvron en Auge, labelled Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The Most Beautiful Villages of France), Manor of the Haras de Sens, the horse Gold de Padd (son of the stallion Ready Cash) held by stud groom Dominique Blachet
France, Calvados, Pays d'Auge, Beuvron en Auge, labelled Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The Most Beautiful Villages of France), Manor of the Haras de Sens, the horse Gold de Padd (son of the stallion Ready Cash) held by stud groom Dominique Blachet (aerial view)
14197756 - France, Calvados, Pays d'Auge, Beuvron en Auge, labelled Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The Most Beautiful Villages of France), Manor of the Haras de Sens, the horse Gold de Padd (son of the stallion Ready Cash) held by stud groom Dominique Blachet (aerial view)
France, Dordogne, Perigord, Perigueux, pate de Perigueux (pork, foie gras and truffles) in crust held by a member of the brotherhood of Perigueux pate
14095679 - France, Dordogne, Perigord, Perigueux, pate de Perigueux (pork, foie gras and truffles) in crust held by a member of the brotherhood of Perigueux pate
France, Ille et Vilaine, Rimou, mill Quincampoix held by the family Christmas for several generations (here Yves), manufacturing organic flours (wheat and buckwheat)
14195132 - France, Ille et Vilaine, Rimou, mill Quincampoix held by the family Christmas for several generations (here Yves), manufacturing organic flours (wheat and buckwheat)
France, Calvados, Pays d'Auge, Beuvron en Auge, labelled Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The Most Beautiful Villages of France), Manor of the Haras de Sens, the horse Gold de Padd (son of the stallion Ready Cash) held by stud groom Dominique Blachet (aerial view)
14196599 - France, Calvados, Pays d'Auge, Beuvron en Auge, labelled Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The Most Beautiful Villages of France), Manor of the Haras de Sens, the horse Gold de Padd (son of the stallion Ready Cash) held by stud groom Dominique Blachet (aerial view)
France,Calvados,Pays d'Auge,Beuvron en Auge,labelled Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The Most Beautiful Villages of France),Manor of the Haras de Sens,the horse Gold de Padd (son of the stallion Ready Cash) held by stud groom Dominique Blachet (aerial view)
13979388 - France,Calvados,Pays d'Auge,Beuvron en Auge,labelled Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The Most Beautiful Villages of France),Manor of the Haras de Sens,the horse Gold de Padd (son of the stallion Ready Cash) held by stud groom Dominique Blachet (aerial view)
France,Ille et Vilaine,Rimou,mill Quincampoix held by the family Christmas for several generations (here Yves),manufacturing organic flours (wheat and buckwheat)
13974831 - France,Ille et Vilaine,Rimou,mill Quincampoix held by the family Christmas for several generations (here Yves),manufacturing organic flours (wheat and buckwheat)
France, Paris, 13th arrondissement, Street Art, fresco And I held my breath © Faile\n
13937095 - France, Paris, 13th arrondissement, Street Art, fresco And I held my breath © Faile\n
France,Calvados,Pays d'Auge,Beuvron en Auge,labelled Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The Most Beautiful Villages of France),Manor of the Haras de Sens,the horse Gold de Padd (son of the stallion Ready Cash) held by stud groom Dominique Blachet
13972786 - France,Calvados,Pays d'Auge,Beuvron en Auge,labelled Les Plus Beaux Villages de France (The Most Beautiful Villages of France),Manor of the Haras de Sens,the horse Gold de Padd (son of the stallion Ready Cash) held by stud groom Dominique Blachet
Vietnamese currency, the Dong, bank notes held by woman, economy concept, Vietnam, Indochina, Southeast Asia, Asia
13818612 - Vietnamese currency, the Dong, bank notes held by woman, economy concept, Vietnam, Indochina, Southeast Asia, Asia
Vietnamese currency, the Dong, bank notes held by woman, economy concept, Vietnam, Indochina, Southeast Asia, Asia
13818610 - Vietnamese currency, the Dong, bank notes held by woman, economy concept, Vietnam, Indochina, Southeast Asia, Asia
The merry-go-round at Camp Bestival, an annual family-friendly music festival, held in July, Lulworth, Dorset, England, United Kingdom, Europe
71400168 - The merry-go-round at Camp Bestival, an annual family-friendly music festival, held in July, Lulworth, Dorset, England, United Kingdom, Europe
The merry-go-round at Camp Bestival, an annual family-friendly music festival held in July, Lulworth Castle, Dorset, England, United Kingdom, Europe
71400167 - The merry-go-round at Camp Bestival, an annual family-friendly music festival held in July, Lulworth Castle, Dorset, England, United Kingdom, Europe
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