The Giant Toad a.k.a. Marine Toad or Cane Toad, is the largest of the Florida frogs and toads. When this non-native species is threatened, it secretes a highly toxic milky substance from its large parotoid glands in the back of its head. This secretion wi

The Giant Toad a.k.a. Marine Toad or Cane Toad, is the largest of the Florida frogs and toads. When this non-native species is threatened, it secretes a highly toxic milky substance from its large parotoid glands in the back of its head. This secretion wi

Bildnummer: 70502705
Lizenzart: Lizenzfrei
Fotograf: © lookphotos / Cavan Images
Aufnahmedatum: 14.04.2008
Verfügbarkeit: clearance required for commercial uses

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