Sten Pedersen harvesting vegetables at his garden on the Norse site of Niaqussat, east of Nuuk, Greenland. He grows potatoes, carrots, turnips, onions and many herbs in the garden. He sells them to the Nipisa Restaurant in Nuuk. He unloads them at the har

Sten Pedersen harvesting vegetables at his garden on the Norse site of Niaqussat, east of Nuuk, Greenland. He grows potatoes, carrots, turnips, onions and many herbs in the garden. He sells them to the Nipisa Restaurant in Nuuk. He unloads them at the har

Bildnummer: 70500096
Lizenzart: Lizenzfrei
Fotograf: © lookphotos / Cavan Images
Aufnahmedatum: 17.08.2009
Verfügbarkeit: clearance required for commercial uses

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Bildkategorien Farbbild Garten Gemüse Grönland Karotte Karotten Kartoffeln Nuuk Vertikal

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