The High Line is a 1.45-mile New York City park built on a section of the former elevated freight railroad of the West Side Line, along the lower west side of Manhattan. The park has 210 species of rugged plants, and views of both the city and the Hudson

The High Line is a 1.45-mile New York City park built on a section of the former elevated freight railroad of the West Side Line, along the lower west side of Manhattan. The park has 210 species of rugged plants, and views of both the city and the Hudson

Bildnummer: 70499996
Lizenzart: Lizenzfrei
Fotograf: © lookphotos / Cavan Images
Aufnahmedatum: 04.04.2010
Verfügbarkeit: clearance required for commercial uses

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Bildkategorien Eisenbahn Erhöhte High Line High Line Park Hudson River Krawatten Manhattan New York City Park Pflanze Reise Reise Um Die Welt Spur Stadt Urlaub

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