Replica Viking Ship Islendingur The Icelander, is a replica of the ancient Viking longships  The ship sailed the oceans to duplicate the voyage taken by Leif Ericson and his crew 1000 years ago  The Islendingur is now retired to a museum in Keflavik, Icel

Replica Viking Ship Islendingur The Icelander, is a replica of the ancient Viking longships The ship sailed the oceans to duplicate the voyage taken by Leif Ericson and his crew 1000 years ago The Islendingur is now retired to a museum in Keflavik, Icel

Bildnummer: 70918740
Lizenzart: Lizenzpflichtig
Fotograf: © lookphotos / age fotostock
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Druckgröße: ca. 30,67 × 40,85 cm bei 300dpi
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