Steam rises from Jackson Lake with the Grand Tetons as background in early morning, near Leeks Marina, Grand Teton National Park, United States, Wyoming., Jackson Lake and the Grand Teton Mountains.  Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA

Steam rises from Jackson Lake with the Grand Tetons as background in early morning, near Leeks Marina, Grand Teton National Park, United States, Wyoming., Jackson Lake and the Grand Teton Mountains. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA

Bildnummer: 70401290
Lizenzart: Lizenzpflichtig
Fotograf: © lookphotos / Mint Images / Spaces Images
Aufnahmedatum: 29.07.2011
Rechte: Exklusivrechte auf Anfrage verfügbar
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Druckgröße: ca. 51,38 × 33,72 cm bei 300dpi
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