A panoramic view over Princes Wharf towards the cranes and buildings of the Bristol Industrial Museum, Bristol, England As part of the redevelopment of the Bristol docks, the museum is currently undergoing restoration and is due to reopen in 2011 as the

A panoramic view over Princes Wharf towards the cranes and buildings of the Bristol Industrial Museum, Bristol, England As part of the redevelopment of the Bristol docks, the museum is currently undergoing restoration and is due to reopen in 2011 as the

Bildnummer: 70337342
Lizenzart: Lizenzpflichtig
Fotograf: © lookphotos / age fotostock
Rechte: Exklusivrechte auf Anfrage verfügbar
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Druckgröße: ca. 59,58 × 21,03 cm bei 300dpi
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